Why I C Things Differently
This is my first step into the blog in a long time and this a very personal one. These past 17 weeks have been the hardest in my life. As I’m trying to navigate this new world, I see on my social media calendar that today is National Caregiver’s Day. For so long, giving care was an integral part of my identity. Like most, I wear many hats: loving spouse, goofy sister and friend, fun loving aunt and grandmother, blessed mom and until recently, caregiver to our beautiful daughter. Grant you, I’m more than any of those labels and titles, but when the need for my care-giving came to a crashing halt, it forever changed me. But here I am, typing and trying. And slowly and begrudgingly, rebuilding.
I started this little gem, C Things Differently, with hopes and dreams of pulling that beautiful girl into it (a loving race with her dad to do so, mind you). Her eye for fashion, her voice to encourage, her smile to brighten a dreary day were a fantastic mix of talents and gifts that brought joy and happiness to people she interacted with and I had every intention of keeping as much of that around me as I could. We were lucky to collaborate on a few things here and there and wow, what fun! There’s nothing quite like looking at the world through the lens of someone you love and respect that will make you up your game to the next level. She truly made me see things differently and her love and vision inspired me to create CTD.
As we move through this healing process, I am reminded of the blessings I received and continue to receive through her. I pray that she won’t cease encouraging, challenging and inspiring me, and helping me to always be willing to see things differently. Love you to the moon and back, Ally. Thank you for picking me to be your mom and allowing me the honor of being your caregiver.
For those of you giving care to others, don’t forget to take moments for yourself. It is with a loving heart, a caring smile and a strong shoulder that we care. Your loved ones appreciate it, and so do we.
Heartfelt prayers full of love and light to you all,
~ Christine
In loving tribute to my daughter & inspiration
Alexandra Knable, 01/17/1995-10/20/2018